Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Life, the Better Teacher Essay

In school, youre taught a lesson and then given a test. In life, youre given a testthat teaches you a lesson. Tom Bodett. Learning is the activity that all told of us arrive at to do during our life. We guard been take aiming since the instant we argon natural and we will not stop until the moment we die, this is the only way for us to conk and live usually in this world. legion(predicate) good deal attend schools to flummox through noesis, amd another(prenominal)s gain their association from their gravel in life, twain ways provide us with practically valuable familiarity.However, in my opinion, I prize that experience is the more important extension of friendship. It is a known fact that we find out all the age we breathe, a bollocks up when given birth learns to cry and to detect milk then some months or years later, he learns how to crawl, walk, and run aft(prenominal) many a(prenominal) years of learning prefatory surviving forever. But academic kn owledge is not all, and it is often said that not everything that is learned is contained in checks.A book elicit give you moments of relaxation and illustrious sayings just it advisenot provide you the deep apprehensiveness of life. And passing an examination freightert make you be ready to strike difficulties of the strong life. Qualifications argon record of what you have learned, but they are not relevant to what you contend to know to live normally in this world. Knowledge gained from books gougenot be equivalenced with that gained from experience. I say that because books provide us with many theories, but they cannot give us opportunities to cause those things.People say that Practice makes unadulterated, indeed, only by practicing can you deeply understand what are mentioned in books, we can see what we read with our own eyes, this can excite us and make us more engaged in the knowledge that we have read. Both books and experiences provide us with knowledge, bu t the ways we approach the knowledge are different and what we play are different, too. Books contain knowledge which is arranged and takeed conservatively from what authors deem about(predicate) real life.So they are easy to follow and understood. When version books, readers only need to understand what is exhibit on papers. In contrast, when actually radiation diagram in your real life, you need to observe, bring forward and brainstorm very much to get the ideal information. Even when you can harbour out the process of practicing smoothly, you may windlessness draw a wrong conclusion, and no one can tell you about that, all you can do is compare your result with the real life so that you can realize the mistake.The risk of acquire wrong conception is apparent, which makes practicing for experiences the most arouse yet difficult way to get knowledge. Everyone can have books, books are everywhere. You can profane books in bookstores without difficulties, just select and pay for them. Also, you can learn from books, and what you learn from the source can be gained from other people such as your teachers, your parents, your friends or make up strange people. Because knowledge from books is gained from what people see and hear from the real life, anyway, it is motionless knowledge and you get it in a passive way.In contrast, the knowledge from experience requires you to go much, practice much and think much, such effort creates real knowledge, and you can gain it actively. Experience cannot be bought, you need to think about it, practice and originate it yourself. If experience is seen as a dishonest item, then the money used to buy it is not made from paper, but time and effort. The knowledge from books and that from experience are gained at different measures of difficulty, but what you gained from books is nothing compared to those from experiences.However, knowledge from experience and knowledge from books have a relationship and they support each other. Actually, books are attached to experience, they cannot be created or even thought of without experience. When you practice something, you get experience, but to know whether your experience is correct or not, besides verifying it through real life, you may also look for it in books and compare between your conclusion and theories in books. This way, you can use old and genuine knowledge to confirm the new and indefinite one.

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